project showcase: building a scalable ClickUp workspace for an emerging business

Context: A new company focusing on foundational project management setup.

Challenge: Creating a foundational ClickUp workspace tailored for immediate and future needs.

foundational setup

Hierarchy: [a] My focus when it came to designing the hierarchy was on creating a space that is simple, clear, and easy to navigate. Working closely with the client, I tailored the spaces to their preferences for information display, ensuring that it aligned with their unique workflows and needs.

Project Spaces: The spaces are designed to ensure a clear separation between internal and client-related activities. One notable inclusion is a dedicated list within a space specifically for internal projects that also showcases a sample task [b] to illustrate potential applications. The structure is deliberately flexible: tasks can start as individual items and, depending on project magnitude, expand into more comprehensive lists.

Narrative: My approach was guided by the client's need for a system that grows with their business, without overwhelming them with excessive custom fields and views. The setup was intentionally streamlined to ensure ease of use from the outset, avoiding the complexity often associated with overly customized solutions. As the client's business evolves, the plan is to revisit and adjust the workspace to align with their changing needs. This ongoing adaptability is key to ensuring that the workspace remains a perfect fit for the client, supporting their operational needs at every stage of their growth.

dashboards, documentation, and marketing

Client Dashboards: [a] This client-facing dashboard includes a welcoming space featuring a 'Meet the Team' section, a chat feature designed specifically for project-related communications, a visual pie chart representing the progress of client projects (linked directly to the internal client fulfillment folder), a space for quick access links, and a list of tasks specific to the client.

Company-Wide Wiki: The wiki [b] is a centralized hub to streamline SOPs [c] and workflows essential to the business's daily functions. While the future may see the wiki expand into a more extensive library of SOPs, the current focus is on maintaining simplicity and relevance to the business's current stage.

Marketing Management In the Marketing Space is a specially designed marketing space that orchestrates the content lifecycle from initial planning to final execution, covering all platforms and mediums. While individual lists operate independently, they converge seamlessly into an integrated editorial calendar [d] that is also color-coated for easy distinction between lists (types of content). This calendar provides a bird's eye view of the company's content, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks.

This configuration facilitates a comprehensive overview of content activities, allowing for efficient tracking and easy access to content at various stages of development.

Custom views [e] and simple statuses [f] are central to this setup, catering to different content management needs:

  • Development Board: For tracking the progress of content currently in the works.

  • Calendar View: To monitor the status of all content pieces in production. Individual cards [g] views are equipped with information that is useful to view at a glance as well as color coating specific to relevant status, making it easy to view the status of a piece of content at a glance.

  • Ideas List: A dynamic space to capture and nurture future content concepts.

  • Archive List: For accessing previously published or postponed content.

  • Campaign Docs: [h] Incorporated directly within ClickUp, allowing for quick linking and contextual reference to each content task.

scalability, client management, and CRM

Scalability Features: The workspace is designed to seamlessly integrate new team members and clients. The organization of spaces is intuitive, allowing newcomers to easily understand their role and navigate the system, and with a distinction between client-facing and internal areas both in name and in automation (specific to the way it’s linked to client dashboards), the workspace ensures that all for every project, all parties have access to the necessary information without confusion.

The Client Folder Template is a prime example of this scalability, structured for comprehensive client management:

  • Client Documentation: [a] An internal dedicated section for all client-specific information, including project details, feedback, and meeting notes.

  • Admin List: [b] Tasks that oversee account health and administrative maintenance, complete with sample task templates that can be expanded to suit evolving workflows.

  • Fulfillment List: [c] Project-related tasks, feeding directly into the client dashboard's pie graph for a visual representation of progress.

CRM Integration: The CRM & Sales list is integrated with the client's website through a client application form [d] that feeds into the ClickUp CRM pipeline the moment it's submitted. This automation captures new leads and also assigns them to the appropriate team member, streamlining the current follow-up process.

The pipeline's list view [e] is thoughtfully designed with custom fields that provide comprehensive yet concise information, necessary for future reference and automatically populated from the client application. Furthermore, the dashboard view offers a snapshot of where each prospective client stands in their journey, ensuring that no opportunity is overlooked.

training resources and support

At the conclusion of this foundational build, I created training resources to ensure that the client could comfortably navigate and effectively manage the workspace.

Post-implementation, I offer continuous support to ensure the client's confidence and proficiency with the system. This includes regular check-ins and a final review phase for any necessary revisions.

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